Big Chicas Don't Cry

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Four cousins navigate love, loss, and the meaning of family over the course of one memorable year in this heartfelt family drama.

Cousins Mari, Erica, Selena, and Gracie are inseparable. They aren’t just family but best friends—sharing secrets, traditions, and a fierce love for their abuelita. But their idyllic childhood ends when Mari’s parents divorce, forcing her to move away. With Mari gone, the girls’ tight-knit bond unravels.

Fifteen years later, Mari’s got the big house and handsome husband, but her life is in shambles. Erica’s boyfriend just dumped her, and her new boss hates her. Selena can’t seem to find her place in the world—not Mexican enough for her family, not white enough for her colleagues. And Gracie is a Catholic school teacher with an all-consuming crush, but she can’t trust herself when it comes to romance.

As rocky as the cousins’ lives have become, nothing can prepare them for the heartbreaking loss of a loved one. When tragedy reunites them, will they remember their abuelita’s lessons about family and forgiveness—or are fifteen years of separation too much to overcome?


“A beautiful novel expertly weaving universal appeal with rich nuances of Mexican culture in a way that has me identifying with the characters, rooting for, laughing & crying along with them & wishing I had seat at their tamalada table! Romantic women’s fiction at its finest!”

—-Priscilla Oliveras, USA Today bestselling author of West Side Love Story

“Big Chicas Don’t Cry is a life-affirming novel centered on relationships, love, and loss. This heartwarming family drama uses alternating points of view to skillfully reveal nuanced characters, tangible emotions, and the enduring ties of a Mexican American family. I adored every minute I spent with this familia. It was as if Chavez Macias took slivers of the people and experiences I’ve known and delicately etched them onto the page. An enduring family drama with heart, beauty, and vibrant culture."

Diana Muñoz Stewart, bestselling author of the Black Ops Confidential Series

“Poignant and real. Chavez Macias spins a beautiful tale of love, identity and family that feels like a warm and nourishing home-cooked meal.”

Mia Hopkins, author of Thirsty

Reading Big Chicas Don't Cry is like being enveloped in the warm embrace of family, holidays, fiestas, and love.”

Jennifer Bardsley, author of Sweet Bliss

“The bond between cousins was beautifully written, including the blurry lines of family dynamics, its misconceptions, miscommunications, white and not so white lies that we tell to spare feelings that later come back to haunt us. What we keep to ourselves and what we share, and what comes to light no matter how hard you try to hide it from your familia. If you read L.A. Weather and loved the relationship amongst the Alvarado sisters, then this book is definitely for you.”

Monica Lazo, Voz y Vida book blog